Pharmaceutical Care is, “the responsible provision of
pharmacotherapy for the purpose of achieving definite outcomes that improve or
maintain a patient’s quality of life. It involves four major functions by a
pharmacy practitioner on behalf of the patient viz., identifying potential and
actual drug-related problems; addressing needs and resolving actual drug
related problems; preventing potential drug-related problems and optimizing
patient therapy outcomes. Clinical Pharmacy on the whole is in its infancy in
the state of Jammu and Kashmir and the concept of Pharmaceutical Care is
completely new to most of the physicians, nurses and even pharmacists presently
working in our government health facilities. Main objective of this study was to assess the knowledge, perception and
attitude of the health care staff towards pharmaceutical care services
A questionnaire-based assessment involving
doctors, pharmacists and nurses of the study department was carried out to
assess their knowledge, perception and attitude towards the pharmaceutical care
From the total number of questionnaires which were distributed to doctors
pharmacists and nurses 69% doctors 72% of pharmacists and
75% of nurses responded . 38.8% of
doctors, 32.8%of pharmacist and 24.3% of nurses answered correctly to the first
section of questionnaire which was intended to assess the knowledge regarding
pharmaceutical care. In second section of the questionnaire which was for assessment
of perception in doctors 73.3% agreed and 20%stongly agreed that pharmaceutical
services provided by clinical pharmacist can improve the quality of patient
care in hospital settings.66.6% agreed and 26.6%stongly agreed that clinical
pharmacist as a part of medical team will minimize medication errors.73.3%
agreed and 13.3% strongly agreed that clinical pharmacists can educate patients
about their safe and appropriate medication use. 73.3% agreed and 20% disagreed
that clinical pharmacists can monitor patients response to drug therapy.73.3%agreed
and 20% disagreed that doctors can allow pharmacists to be available with them
during ward rounds.
In third section of the questionnaire which was for assessment
of attitude in doctors 66.6% of doctors agreed and 20%disagreed that
pharmacists are reliable source of drug information.73.3%agreed and 20% disagreed
that pharmacists can inform doctors if patient has experienced some problems
with his medications. A separate questionnaire distributed in pharmacists only to
assess various services offered by pharmacists to the in-patients revealed that
patient education and counseling, Detecting and preventing drug related needs
and problems,drug utilization studies were never offered where as QC testing of
drugs seldom offered and services like distribution of drugs to wards,
dispensing of drugs at pharmacy counters and drug inventory management at
stores are regularly offered
words:pharmaceutical care,outcome pharmacotherapy,questionnaire,
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