Every piece of research irrespective of its discipline needs to have either social, cultural, economic, environmental, ecological, legal, behavioural, demographic, ethnic or humanistic implications on the society at large
Universities are established with a primary mandate to create new knowledge through quality and cutting-edge research and through such research make a tangible and sustainable impact on the society. It is imperative for every piece of research irrespective of the field in which it is undertaken to have a significant societal impact in terms of some kind of scientific, social, cultural, economic, environmental, ecological, political, spiritual, technological, legal, behavioural, demographic, ethnic or humanistic implications on the society at large. Research devoid of all of such implications can justifiably be rubbished as good for nothing research. By societal impact of research, we imply the evidence-based improvements experienced by individuals and societies as a result of the transference of findings, outcomes and benefits of good quality research. Societal impact is denoted by the extent to which research contributes to and creates an understanding of the development of various social and economic sectors such as industry, academia, polity, governance, policymaking, healthcare etc. It means the objectives that they aim to achieve and to resolve some of the most intriguing issues, problems and concerns of the society like climate change, food security, sustainable energy, diseased population, equity and social justice, social inclusion and cohesion. Public funding in research is always made on the assumption that it would inevitably have a positive impact on areas such as our means of communication, modes of working, shelter, clothing and food, our methods of transportation and even the length and quality of our life itself.
As a result of drastic decline in the funding available for undertaking any kind of research clubbed with a constant rise in the global demand for undertaking problem-based, goal-oriented, demand-driven, context-specific, translational, need-based, locally and socially relevant research, the necessity and demand for enhancing and measuring societal impact and relevance of every piece of research has grown shriller than ever. Government and private funding agencies worldwide are seeking returns on their investments and laying huge emphasis these days on the societal outcomes of research and their applicability in resolving day-to-day problems being faced by the mankind. So far researchers have been focussing only upon scientific or academic impact of the research in terms of number and quality of publications in scientific journals having high impact factor. Since journal impact factors were basically designed to assess the quality of a journal by calculating the number of times the articles published in that journal were referenced or cited by others, measuring quality of research solely by the impact factor of the journal in which it is published is fraught with certain inherent flaws owing to the fact that impact factor can inform about the quality of journal but not always about the actual quality of research published. Therefore, there is need to assess and ensure some kind of social impact of the research on ground because at the end of the day it is not the impact factor, h-index or the number of citations received on a publication that matter, what really matters the most is to what extent research has significantly impacted and brought a positive change in the human lives and transformed this world into a better place to live.
Research can be broadly classified into two major categories of fundamental and applied research, both of them being undertaken in academic institutions like universities and colleges whereas research and development on products and services is usually undertaken in the industries. Research is so intricately interwoven with practice in some disciplines like law, medicine and engineering that any distinction between research quality and societal relevance would be deceptive and would be at loggerheads with accepted views on the quality of research in that field in light of the fact that research in such fields is almost always practice-based and demand-driven. Similarly, research in other areas of applied sciences like computer sciences, information technology, bio-informatics, electronics etc is deeply rooted in professional practice and strongly associated with an application context and therefore inevitably bearing a strong societal impact. In such domains of knowledge, research questions are almost always drawn from practice and consequently the results will have to be directly applicable. However, in case of fundamental research where research is mostly carried out to unravel theories, principles, mechanisms and methods involved in basis sciences, social impact may not be visible soon enough. It may sometimes become apparent after a gap of several years or even several decades when the pieces of a puzzle are joined together by a multitude of research projects in different parts of the world. Therefore, we need to assess the quality or impact of a research ‘in context’. Since the context differs drastically from one area of research, discipline or organization to another, indicators of societal impact and relevance may also differ.
While the evaluation of academic and scientific relevance of research is of paramount importance and should not be compromised under any circumstances, there is need for more comprehensive evaluation methods that focus not only on scientific quality of research but also on its societal relevance. However, there are certain intrinsic problems confronted in the measurement of societal impact and relevance of research because of the paucity of robust and reliable indicators, tools and frameworks required for the same. Since different stakeholders have different outlooks and expectations from research, it is practically impossible for two different measurements of the societal impact of a certain piece of research to match completely. Unlike scientific impact measurement, there is a lack of well-documented, empirical frameworks with adequate data sets, criteria and methods for the evaluation of societal impact of research and that is the reason why in majority of studies, societal impact of research is more postulated than demonstrated (Niederkrotenthaler et al, 2011). Evaluation of research relevance is quite a challenging job because it is difficult to attribute a certain impact to a specific single piece of work. At times a certain scientific outcome significantly matches with an effect observed in the society and is therefore attributed to it, whereas in actual practice, the relationship is not of a causal nature but caused by mere coincidence.
In order for the research to have some meaningful impact on the society, there has to be some quality interaction between a research group and its societal stakeholders. Such interaction can take place either when the research agenda is determined or during the research process itself, or even afterwards, when the results are communicated to the stakeholders. A productive interaction with stakeholders is vital for collecting information on a research group’s performance. In many of the western universities, research shops, fairs and exhibitions are organized on regular basis to collect information and feedback from the communities on their issues, problems and concerns and subsequently evolve tangible solutions to them through problem-based research. Modes of interaction with stakeholders may include personal contact, as in joint projects, networks, consortiums, consultancy relationships, part-time practitioner work; through publications such as papers in journals, reports, protocols and educational material; through artefacts, such as exhibitions, software, websites, models, musical scores; through stakeholder contributions to the research: financial, direct involvement, or by facility sharing (Spaapen et al, 2010). Stakeholders can be involved in the evaluation of societal relevance of research, either in the self-assessment phase or by including stakeholders in the external evaluation committee. Societal relevance of research can also extend beyond its immediate importance for primary stakeholders to its secondary stakeholders in order to ascertain whether the research has a broader relevance that is not reflected by the primary stakeholders.
As a result of the inadequacy of tools required for measuring societal impact, the idea of using knowledge transfer capabilities as a tool has been widely promoted worldwide. The underlying thought and rationale behind this idea is that it is more effective and valuable to measure the ability to communicate with society because only through communication it will become possible that scientific ideas find an application in society. In a survey conducted in June 2019 by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands, with more than 9,000 active researchers responding from across a broad range of regions, career stages and subject fields, more than half (52%) of the respondents reported promoting their research on scientific and social networks sites. The interaction between science and society has been ever increasing in the twenty first century in the light of a fast-shrinking and rapidly changing global economy (Crespi and Geuna, 2004) and this explains the emphasis that is being laid upon “knowledge valorisation”. It is a French term used for the transfer of knowledge from one party to another with the aim of creating economic and societal benefits (Feldman and Kelly, 2006). “Valorisation” is a term mainly used in European countries, which means ‘to make useful, to use, to exploit’. Essentially, it should be understood as the process of making use of knowledge.
In conclusion every single piece of
research necessarily needs to deliver some benefits to the society. Social
benefits may indicate the contribution of the research to the social capital of
a nation (e.g., stimulating new approaches to social issues, informed public
debate, and improved policymaking). On the other hand, cultural benefits are
additions to the cultural capital of a nation (e.g., understanding how we
relate to other societies and cultures, contributing to cultural preservation
and enrichment) whereas ecological/environmental benefits add to the natural
resource capital of a nation (e.g., reduced waste and pollution, uptake of
recycling techniques). Economic benefits denote contributions to the economic
capital of a nation (e.g., enhancing the skills base, improved productivity) (Donovan,
2003;2011). A consortium between five Finnish public research organizations
involved in R&D activity has developed methods and indicators needed to
analyse the socioeconomic impacts of research and has proposed five dimensions
of impact with certain examples of indicators that include impact on economy,
technology, and commercialization (e.g., patent applications, entry into new
markets); impact on knowledge, expertise, human capital, and management (e.g.,
improved research methods, strengthened expertise); impact on networking and
social capital (e.g., improved networking between research partners, firms,
etc.); impact on decision making and public discourse (e.g., participation in
legislative and strategy planning); and impact on social and physical
environment (e.g., promotion of safety, development of infrastructure) (L-Smith
et al., 2006). There is need to study all such innovative methods, tools and
frameworks available in literature and apply them in our local contexts for
improving the societal impact and relevance of research, leading to what the
scientists call ‘knowledge valorisation”, which means to make it beneficial and
useful for the society.
(Author teaches at the Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences and is also Director, Centre for Career Planning and Counselling, University of Kashmir)
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