Startling new revelations are coming to the fore with each
passing day in the local press regarding the supply and detection of
substandard and spurious medicines particularly in the government run
hospitals. A lot has already been written and said about this intriguing
problem fraught with disastrous consequences on public health and safety. Mute
question remains whether this issue that received enormous media coverage will
die down with the passage of time and pass off as just another controversy or
some important lessons will be learnt by the powers that be, from this fiasco
that enraged and unnerved all sections of our society equally. Even though
preliminary enquiry report has been made public by the fact-finding committee
constituted by the Ministry of Health and the crime branch has been entrusted
with the job of further investigation into the matter, Government of J&K
needs to put its act together, ensure adequate checks and balances in its
healthcare system and undertake a series of remedial measures in order to curb
this menace that has assumed alarming and deleterious proportions. This article
proposes a few such steps that need to be taken without any delay in order to
prevent the recurrence of such ugly episodes in future.
enquiry by an empowered committee
Since the preliminary enquiry report has candidly admitted
failures on part of Central Purchase Committee and Drug Verification Board
members in verifying authenticity of the manufacturer and ensuring quality of
the drugs supplied, first and foremost there is dire need to reach out to the
roots of this problem. It will be in the fitness of things that a high level,
empowered committee of experts should not only expose all the people involved
directly or indirectly in the shady spurious drug deal that has shaken the
entire healthcare system and damaged its credibility considerably but also make
an in-depth investigation into the functioning of Provincial Medical Stores,
Central Purchase Committees, Verification Board, Drug Control Department and
Drug Testing Laboratories over the past several years. Such an impartial and
thorough enquiry assumes importance in the wake of a series of newspaper reports
disclosing gross irregularities in procurement, testing and quality control of
drugs in the government sector. That can go a long way in revealing all the rot
in the prevailing system and pave way for its sustained improvement.
supply chain and medicines management
With State Drug Policy already having been approved by the
cabinet of ministers as well as the state assembly, Ministry of Health needs to
streamline its procurement and quality control mechanism on the pattern of
Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation. Drug policy needs to be
implemented in letter and spirit as soon as possible and an order must be
passed to review and revise the approved drug policy after every three years as
against five years mentioned in the policy, so that any genuine grievances
arising out of its implementation can be addressed and necessary amendments
made to suit various timely needs. Drug selection, quantification, procurement,
storage, distribution and dispensing alongwith necessary counseling, monitoring
and drug information services to the patients is a highly sophisticated and
professional activity that can only be performed by skilled, well-trained and qualified
professionals like pharmacy graduates. However in all major and minor hospitals
of the state there are either unqualified (matriculates) or under-qualified
(Medical Assistants) people managing these affairs leading to frequent failures
of the system besides dissatisfaction among patients. Detection of spurious
antibiotics is just a manifestation of such systemic failures. Therefore in
tune with Drug Policy provisions state govt. must create adequate number of vacancies
for pharmacy graduates in all hospitals of the state. This is highly essential
for an efficient supply chain management and scientific medicines management
within government hospitals.
and administrative reforms
Drug testing facilities
priority of the state government must be to augment and upgrade the drug
testing facilities within the state. In order to ensure timely and accurate
testing of all drug samples, existing drug testing laboratories must be
upgraded, accredited and provided all necessary funding, manpower and
equipments to operate in a more effective manner. Establishing drug testing
laboratories in private sector must be encouraged too. A new central, fully
equipped and dedicated drug testing laboratory must be established for testing
drug supplies at Govt. Medical College, its associated hospitals and all
hospitals at district level. Alternatively in-house Quality Control cells may
be established in all major hospitals as part of their comprehensive Quality
Assurance system. Approved and accredited private drug testing laboratories
across India must be empanelled for testing of drug supplies procured by the
government. All laboratories must be inspected, audited and validated on
regular basis by independent experts from outside the state. Confusion and
chaos regarding the extent of spurious drugs in our markets is getting
compounded by the fact there are no credible and comprehensive studies
available to arrive at any firm conclusion regarding the magnitude of this unscrupulous
trade in our state. Therefore there is need to
conduct a statewide survey on scientific lines in order to ascertain the
magnitude of spurious drug sale in the state. Till such a survey is conducted
people will continue to make conjectures regarding the extent of spurious
control of drug supplies in government sector
government sector, every batch of medicines supplied and kept under quarantine
should be tested at initial supply stage through empanelled laboratories. Govt. needs to establish warehouses for drug storage
in every district on modern lines and ensure timely supply of only standard
quality drugs to all govt. hospitals. For this to happen, random samples
should be drawn from every warehouse where the batch is supplied. Batch-wise
drug sample de-coding should be done through a strictly confidential system and
the de-coded samples should be sent for testing randomly to any of the
empanelled laboratories located across the Country. Only on receipt of
"Quality Passed" certificate from the empanelled laboratories that
batch should be released for distribution to government hospitals. Further
during the shelf life of drugs, random samples should be periodically drawn
from warehouses and quality checked to ensure that drugs are of standard
quality right till the date of their expiry. In order to compare and validate
the accuracy and correctness of testing quality of the empanelled laboratories,
randomly picked control samples should be sent to government laboratories as
well as to empanelled laboratories for analysis simultaneously. There should be
a provision for pre- as well as post-shipment analysis of all drug consignments
received by the govt.
Interaction and collaboration between stake-holders
Govt. must involve genuine
retailers, wholesalers, working govt. pharmacists as well as their trade associations
in tracking spurious drugs and curbing their distribution and sale. We need to develop effective interaction and
collaboration between all stakeholders i.e. traders and regulators,
traders and consumers, consumers and regulators, medical professionals and
regulators, simultaneously. This will facilitate free flow of information
regarding substandard and spurious medicines. Trade associations should be impressed to have better surveillance on defaulting
members and to take strict action against them. A fool-proof and effective
networking system between neighbouring states should be developed and the preparation
of dossiers of suspected dealers and
manufactures should be a perpetual exercise. Constant surveillance needs to be maintained at all entry points into
the state including Lakhanpur and Qazigund toll posts. Regular samples need to
be drawn from there for testing of drugs and the purchase bills of all drug
consignments entering the state need to be checked on daily basis. On
top of them all, creation of better awareness
amongst consumers should be accorded top priority.
Regulation of drug licensing and
our state one of the most important factors that contributes largely towards
sale of spurious or substandard drugs is the uncontrolled proliferation of drug
sale outlets along the length and breadth of the state. Therefore drug sale
licences should not be free for all. They should be issued only to persons
holding diploma or degree in pharmacy from a recognized/duly approved
university/institution. It is high time that the govt. streamlines its drug licensing and pharmacist registration process. Necessary
amendments should be made in the relevant Acts to enforce this provision that
includes enforcement of Central Pharmacy Act and implementation of Education
Regulations by the J&K Pharmacy Council. Proliferation of drug sale outlets beyond a certain limit must be
discouraged. Illegitimate practice of registering matriculates as
pharmacists first and then issuing drug sale licences to them must be abandoned
forthwith. Chemists on their part must stop issuing experience certificates to
such people.
people are making claims and counterclaims regarding the nature and actual size
of the problem of spurious drugs in J&K and are simply passing the buck by
shifting the blame on each other. Some people are demanding scrapping of the
approved drug policy which is by no means any solution. In fact a comprehensive
drug policy is a remedy to control this and many other drug-related problems. More
than anyone else, state government needs to accord top priority to this serious
public health concern and ensure speedy implementation of all necessary
measures required to root out the menace of spurious and substandard medicines
from our hospitals and open markets. Instead of indulging in blame game, all
stake-holders including retailers, wholesalers, distributors, doctors, govt.
pharmacists, medical representatives, manufacturers, regulators and patients need
to do some introspection and join hands to ensure manufacture, supply,
procurement, sale, distribution, promotion, prescribing and use of standard
quality drugs only. Let us build a safe and secure healthcare system for
ourselves and our generation next.
teaches at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Kashmir and
has been a part of committee that reviewed and revised state drug policy in the
year 2011. He can be reached at
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